Brown Faces

Brown Faces

I am a brown face born to a brown face man and woman. I’ve loved a brown face man. I’ve touched brown faces that drop wet dewy tears that trickle into the grooves of brown face dimples

I’ve read to a brown face boy as he sat in the crook of resting of my resting elbow nestling his brown face into the bosom of my childless chest.

I’ve kissed brown faces with my enslaved lips and locked my eyes across brown foreheads wiping mistrust mixed with sweat.

I’ve listened to brown faces rap and rhyme and feel the flow with the brown face man whose teeth shined underneath the Haitian sun.

I’ve washed the morning sleep off brown faced boys crusted corners.

I’ve greased brown faced boy’s hair with Sulfur 8 oil using Vaseline on their chaffed cheeks-greasing their brown faces for the wintery day.

I’ve spit my own mother nature chap stick rubbing forgiveness across an ashy brown faced ego.

I’ve seen a brown face man become ashamed hiding his brown face in his calloused man hands made of wood and stone.

I’ve stroked the brown face of that man with the dent of my admiration causing His brown face to grace the softness of my brown faces.

I’ve seen a brown face become hot with pride causing His natural state to dim and pale.

I’ve seen, touched, loved and even cried on top of Brown man faces…unready to stay faces and to brown to go faces

Brown faces that tell be brave stories and stay at home stories and I have a dream stories, and will you marry me stories and I’ve been fired stories, and I’ve just lost another baby stories, and I’ve been stopped by the police stories.

Brown faces that have turned Blue, that have been avenged with you aren’t nothing stories. Brown faces dancing to my girl is a bitch stories. Brown faces laying on the side of the sidewalk stories.

Brown faces plastered on the evening news stories. Brown faces streaked with lonely blood spewed down the shame of brown faces.

ADHD, ADD, Bi-polar-nobody never loved me faces, you been told you a bad ass faces

Brown faces prostituted by their uncle faces. Brown faces that throw holler at me dirty dollars at brown faces that slide down a cold pole going home to unknown 4 a.m. brown faces.

Brown faces shaking their head in disgust faces. Brown faces being told you didn’t the promotion faces.

Brown faces that quietly read Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Invisible man, while holding fast to the Queen Bee’s hands faces.

Brown faces being manipulated by Christian preacher’s brown faces, no money faces, I let the lights get cut off faces. Brown faces I’m leaving a brown face for white women faces.

Brown faces not going to vote for either of those faces.

Brown faces smoking dope with other brown faces.

Brown faces I had enough of this shit faces. Brown faces being told and taunted by brown faces. I’m not black enough faces.

Brown faces calling brown faces Nigga brown faces.

Brown faces every brown face faces.

Brown faces saying it isn’t never going to be fair for brown faces.

But it also, be the brown face brother that sits in darkness waiting with a brown face stare for another brown face brother to say hey “Bruh” I do care.