Night Time is the Write Time!

Night Time is the Write Time!

Write to Rest



Happenstance or as a result of slowing down great ideas either come in the shower or while I am driving in the car. I have literally leaped out of the shower ringing wet leaving the water running. Scurrying frantically for a pen and some random piece of paper to write down the idea that I am sure is going to make me a Million Dollars or at least get me an interview on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday or maybe even my own Television or web series.

I adore my nighttime rituals…. during the light of  day I am unscheduled, laid back, and unscripted. However when the moon peers through my white uncovered apartment blinds I begin to settle in. Settling in for me includes the following rituals-establishing a writers sanity….

Night Time is the Write Time!

  • Shower with cocoa butter skin bath soap
  • Do due diligence to my skin and lotion up with cocoa butter lotion
  • Find my favorite most comfortable pink sleep wear (pink is a must)
  • And….Write until I drop.

Writing to heal my day is the most delicious recipe I can concoct for my heart and my body. Sometimes its intentionally for publishing purposes other times its poetry that has been lingering on the tip of my tounge for hours. Drenching my smooth skin in cocoa butter replenishes the skin I am in, writing replenishes the soul I love in.

My simple act of faith includes a pink prayer journal with inspirational scriptures. Everytime I turn the page to a new blank sheet of paper and read the heading scripture I feel as if the words are made especially for me in that moment.

FYI Friends: I’ve already taken a look at tonight’s manna….Matthew 7:7-“Ask and it shall be given To You, seek, and you will find, knock and it will be opened To You”-To you, such healing words.

Night time is the write time for me to write. Having a Write to Rest ritual has soothed me to sleep on even the most restless nights. Writing gives my imagination security as I lie my head on the sweet pillow of dreams putting my words to rest for the night.

~Good night writers until we write again; May you have sweet diary dreams~

The Healing Power of Words: Voice your Story   prayer-journal

  1. WRITE NOW: Do you have a favorite night time ritual, does it include writing of some kind?- Write to Rest
  • Write to Heal a story about how this ritual came to be?…..Write all about it. Comment and tell me about it….or begin a bedtime journal.


Promoting the Healing Power of Words