

I’m not signing your damn petition,

Where was, your I care, I give a shit pieces of paper when black lives lay slain sprayed with blue guns a blazing?

So, you think you have had it good just you wait and see how this Black girl has had to struggle.

Putting cotton balls in her mouth so she won’t get called a snitch.

Being silent around gray haired men folks while putting their fingers around her waist.

Listening to glass ceiling guards talk about how safety pins mean you are safe.

White women who wear black lipstick leaving kiss marks on the backs of their sister’s necks.

Looking for reasons to serve hot biscuits and gravy to the brown folks who you deem as needy.

Esquire this is my response…

Wait until the waiter refuses to serve you; when your children come home with teeth hanging from the gristle of the past you put in high offices.

Call me the N word and what…yes, it will be returned.

So maybe now you will believe me when I say racism is learned.

It’s alive in the bones of good and nice neighborhood watchers whose shoes trod like pebbles on white sand leaving footprints of degradation wherever they go.

Finally, you will see what it is like to see eternity slip by… privilege by privilege being soiled on the bathroom floor from the back-alley cramps of women not able to voice how much they hurt…have been hurting for over 200 years.

Simply it’s your face being darkly summoned to the dehumanization black looking glass no longer passive observer.

Today you’ve been placed in the witness protection program for minorities, marginalized and the 49% of white women who voted against being Trumped.

Buckle your seatbelts build your bunkers put your life on life support as what’s about to happen next will take what used to be white and right by surprise.

Put aside your ideas of hope and throw on your grave digging boots, putting to rest your lackluster prejudices.

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust it’s your dead body being carried to the cemetery of clowns in a rich man’s million-dollar hearse.